2021年05月12日(水) 7:02


Updated 2021/05/12

I want to know what she thinks about. So,I opened an English text book.

Fortunately an opportunity came to me.
At a Juku,private school,I met a lady.
She came to Japan from America and doesn’t use Japanese. Of course I speak in English.But,She can’t understand what I said,my poor English.
Many time I tried and the time past.

At my home I opened text books and a dictionary to check what I wanted to tell and ask.
Some days later I met her again and have a conversation.
I did it! My English worked.I’m very moved.
The experience makes me study English more.

Theme is very important to talk.It doesn’t matter how I know English words.
What I ask,what I tell, these make a conversation fun.In Japanese same.
So now when using Japanese,I focus a theme and a question.

The English conversation gave me how to use languages.It’s just an item.

※アイキャッチ画像/サムネイルは、SAUSAGE McMUFFIN with EGGです
